Services - Alan Behrman & Associates

What we Offer


Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is the primary mode of therapy and something all of our therapists are trained in and enjoy.  While our practice primarily works from a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model, it is not the only form of therapy we use.  All of our therapists are trained and have experience in using many different modes of therapy so we have many tools at our disposal.  We do not use a one-size-fits-all approach.  We are all able to pull from other forms and types of therapy to be able to provide you with the best possible services.  We have experience in EMDR, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Emotionally Focused Therapy, Person Centered, and Family Systems just to name a few.  We do our best to meet each individual where they are at and find a style that fits their personality and their issue to achieve the best possible outcome.


Relational Therapy

Relational therapy can be beneficial for partners who are looking to change their behavior within the relationship and solve issues or problems that are emotionally charged. The approach for relational therapy can differ depending on the therapist and we strive to be effective and think out of the box if that’s what it takes.  Some areas that might be explored in relational therapy may include, but are not limited to:

Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
Parent Coordination
Premarital Counseling
Therapy for Polyamorous Relationship Structures

Our approach includes looking at the entire picture of the relationship by using a systemic approach exploring what might benefit the relationship rather than only what can be provided in individual therapy. Our approach uses an emotionally focused perspective exploring boundaries within the relationship, improving secure attachment, healing open wounds, and resolving deep-seeded emotional hurt.

Contact us. Stigma free. LGBTQA+ friendly.

Parent Coordination

Dr. Alan Behrman is a certified parent coordinator. Parenting Coordination is a non-confidential, child centered process for conflicted divorced and divorcing parents. It is a form of dispute resolution for parents in which mediation would be inappropriate or ineffective due to high levels of conflict. Through education, mediation and case management, the family’s progress is monitored to ensure that parents are fulfilling their obligations to their child while complying with the recommendations of the court. With prior approval of the parties and/or the Court, the PC may have the authority to make limited decisions, within the scope of the court order, to assist high-conflict parents who have demonstrated an inability or unwillingness to make parenting decisions on their own. The role of the parenting coordinator is outlined by the authority granted in the court order or the stipulation of the parties.

Parenting Coordinators help parents establish and maintain a healthy co-parenting relationship by reducing parental conflict and the risk factors that influence a child’s post-divorce adjustment. The overall emphasis is to offer children the opportunity to grow in a home environment free from the devastating stress of being caught in the middle of parental conflict.

Since parenting coordination is a non-confidential process, parenting coordinators document parental behaviors and compliance with court orders. This is usually done through memos and, if necessary, by testimony to the Court. Parenting coordinators may share their concerns regarding each parents’ behaviors and make recommendations regarding unresolved issues.


Life Coaching

Coaches vs. Therapists
Here are five differences between coaching and psychotherapy to help you decide who might be more suited to help you along your journey.

Therapists Treat Mental Illness While Coaches Do Not
One of the most important distinguishing factors between psychotherapists and coaches is that psychotherapists are trained to help people who are facing mental illnesses, and coaches are not.

Even though a great deal of stigma exists around mental illness, mental health problems are more common than ever, impacting about one in four Americans at some point in their lifetimes.

If you are seeking help for a common mental health problem such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), therapy is the way to go.

Past vs. Future Orientation
Generally speaking, coaching is more focused on helping you achieve your future goals, while psychotherapy tends to have more of a past and present focus. That being said, many coaches should be able to help you understand how the past contributes to your present, and psychotherapists can help you achieve your future goals.

Differences in Payment
Because therapy is about treating a mental health problem, it may be covered by your insurance company if you meet the criteria for a mental health disorder and the insurance company deems therapy medically necessary to help you get better.

Coaching is typically not covered by health insurance because the focus of coaching is not on treating an illness.

In order to legally provide psychotherapy, one requires an advanced degree and a state license to practice. To obtain a license to practice psychotherapy, one needs to meet certain criteria which include an exam and a certain number of supervised hours of practice.

While there are many certification programs for coaching, there are no governing boards for life or success coaches. Despite a lack of a governing board in the field of coaching, many coaches offer tremendous services and some originally practiced as psychotherapists.

Therapists face more restrictions than coaches in terms of where and how they are able to offer services. They must be licensed in the state in which they practice, for example, while coaches can work throughout all of the United States and internationally.

Psychotherapy is more traditionally offered face to face in an office, while coaching happens frequently over the phone or via the internet. Even so, some psychotherapists offer services over the phone or via the internet and some coaches have offices in which they see clients. Some coaches choose to meet with clients in a public setting, which is rarer for psychotherapists. -Janev Caddell, PsyD


We do offer HIPAA secure teletherapy services.  All of our therapists are willing and able to use teletherapy services at the request of their clients.  These may be scheduled from the beginning of therapy or at any point during therapy.  We also strongly encourage our clients to use teletherapy when time conflicts arise.  Rather than skipping an in-person session due to unforeseen circumstances (even last minute ones), just let your therapist know that you’d like to do a teletherapy session instead as that change requires no planning on our end.  Its just the press of a button.  We have found that teletherapy can be extremely effective and have no issues with in-person vs face-to-face.  However, when it comes to children under the age of 14, we do recommend in-person therapy and not face-to-face if at all possible.”


Psychological Evaluation & Testing

A psychological evaluation can serve several purposes, including the procurement of a formal diagnosis which can assist you in gaining a deeper, more complete understanding of the problem that you or your child may be experiencing. Moreover, a psychological evaluation will help guide you toward a proper treatment approach and provide specific recommendations.

A psychological evaluation includes the administration, scoring and interpretation of several tests. We will also provide you with a written report with valuable recommendations for management and treatment.

We take pride in providing clear, comprehensive feedback. We sit down with you and take the time to explain the results, answer any questions you may have, and provide insights specific to your needs.

At this time, we can assess for the following:
ADHD Evaluations
Behavioral Concerns/ Adaptive Functioning
Psycho-Educational Testing
IQ and Academic Skills Assessment
Specific Learning Disability Evaluation
Mood Concerns
Social/Emotional Problems
Accommodations Assessment
Intellectual Disability Evaluation
General Diagnostic Clarity and Treatment Guidance


At Alan Behrman and Associates, we offer a wide range of professional psychiatry services designed to support your mental health and well-being. Our experienced psychiatrist provides personalized care for various mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD, addiction and more.

Our approach includes medication management, therapy, and holistic strategies tailored to each individual’s needs. Whether you’re seeking support for managing stress, mood disorders, or ongoing mental health challenges, we are here to help you achieve emotional balance and improve your quality of life.

We offer compassionate, confidential, and evidence-based care to ensure you receive the most effective treatment possible. Contact our office today for more details.